Upcoming Events

Please check back often for upcoming events on a variety of programs UCISP provides. We are excited to learn with you!

Join our quarterly meeting for department chairs, instructional coaches/TOSAs to network, receive coaching support, and generate ideas to build capacity with your teachers with Dr. Kelley Le.

The next virtual quarterly meeting is on Wednesday, September 22 @ 3-3:45PM

Register today to join the next session at Bit.ly/ucispcoach

Are you a school administrator looking for more information on the NGSS or ideas on how to support your science department?

UCISP facilitates districtwide professional development in the areas of teacher support, NGSS, equity for justice, culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy, and much more.

Contact us for more details on how we can support professional learning in your school or district.

Contact us to continue your learning journey!