Welcome to the Young Engineers & Scientists (YES)
Grade 7 Program!
*Photo from The Ocean Agency

Learn About Climate Change Using Computer Coding!
This is a no-cost online program that seeks to build capacity and STEM identity in grade 7 students around exciting hands-on curricula grounded in community environmental issues. This program is sponsored by the Crevier Family Foundation and brings together UCI faculty and students from the science and engineering departments, informal educators from local non-profit organizations, and teacher leaders to support STEM in middle school levels.

Learn About Climate Change Using MIT App Inventor (Grade 7)
Calling Seventh graders who love science and engineering!
Enroll in this FREE online program to learn about climate change using computer coding! Grade 7 students will learn by coding using MIT App Inventor to create an interactive game on climate crisis. All students accepted into the program will receive materials to engage in this fun hands-on experience.
*Special thanks to the Crevier Family Foundation for supporting this program to ensure no-cost to teachers and students!
We look forward to meeting all the students!
Program Details & Cohort Schedule
Child Registration Information
We will soon be taking applications for seventh graders for our YES program!
Spaces are limited and priority will be given to students on free/reduced lunch from Title 1 schools in Orange County, Riverside, Long Beach, and Los Angeles.
We have closed registration at this time and will reopen in the 2023 school year. Please check back in the future!
Calling Grade 7 Teachers!
Are you a Seventh Grade teacher interested in being a guest teacher for this program to receive free curricula and resources to take back to your class?
We are currently not accepting registration for this program. Please check back in the 2023 school year.
*All guest teachers will receive a $200 stipend for their time and commitment.