Chemistry in the Earth System


Introduction to High School Chemistry in the Earth System

In this course, fundamental principles in chemistry can be used and applied to understanding science phenomena on Earth to explain and/or improve our lived realities.

The link between combustion and climate change is the theme that integrates the sciences in chemistry.

Adapted from the Executive Summary of Science Framework: d’Alessio, Matthew A. (2018). Executive Summary: Science Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve. Sacramento: Consortium for the Implementation of the Common Core State Standards.

Chemistry in the Earth System – Semester 1

Below are short summaries of each instructional segment from the NGSS framework. In purple you will find suggestions on how to lean into the performance expectations through climate, environmental, or earth system science. 

Click here to download the Chemistry NGSS Overview PDF


Instructional Segment #1 (IS1)

The course begins with macroscopic observations of matter and chemical reactions in the natural world IS1 (Combustion). Rationale – Combustion exemplifies chemical changes, and the combustion of fossil fuels has profound impacts on Earth’s systems, including our climate, ocean, land, and all living organisms (Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Geosphere, and Biosphere respectively).

In IS1, students first investigate the amount of stored chemical potential energy in food (Lean into CRRP and possibly regenerative and sustainable practices in agriculture to increase community food security, reduce on fossil fuels, etc.). They make observations of material properties at bulk scale that they will later explain at the atomic scale (providing rich context to make the content meaningful – start with things they observe in the natural world then understand at the atomic level to help with sense-making). Cyclical and iterative thinking around combustion and greenhouse gases will build throughout the course as students learn more. Teachers can also link combustion to wildfires and greenhouse gas emissions as well as how droughts fuel wildfires for the CA context.


Instructional Segment #2 (IS2)

Students refine their model of the nature of matter by focusing on the level of particles and discussing thermodynamic principles in IS2 (Heat and Energy in the Earth System). They model the transfer of heat between microscopic particles and in macroscopic laboratory systems and then gather evidence that these same processes operate at the scale of the Earth system and drive plate motions. Think about how heat transfers in the body to teach about law of conservation as directly relevant first, then support student thinking as they use that same knowledge to describe heat transfer for Earth systems at the macro-scale to explain phenomena. 

Students develop models of energy conservation within systems and the mechanisms of heat flow (i.e. How the heat island effect impacts communities if it will get better or worse with climate change; The impact of green spaces on communities in relation to heat, energy, human health; Feedback loops and albedo to learn about how it impacts our water supply; Why coral bleaching events are followed by strong hurricanes; The mechanisms that help the ocean regulate Earth’s climate; etc.). They relate macroscopic heat transport to atomic scale interactions of particles, which they will apply again in later IS to engage in cyclical and iterative thinking. They use evidence from Earth’s surface to infer the heat transport processes at work in the planet’s interior leading to plate motions.


Instructional Segment #3 (IS3)

Students then concentrate on the internal structure of the atom and use it to make sense of the periodic table and chemical bonds in IS3 (Atoms, Elements, and Molecules). Students recognize patterns in the properties and behavior of elements, as illustrated on the periodic table. They use these patterns to develop a model of the interior structure of atoms and to predict how different atoms will interact based on their electron configurations. 

Think about how they apply knowledge of periodic trends or elemental properties to understanding real world phenomena (i.e. Understanding Earth’s energy budget which is the foundation of understanding climate science; Chemical reactions of different greenhouse gases and their ability to store higher concentrations of energy in the atmosphere; chemical reactions that take place for fossil fuels as they are burned and processed; methane in the permafrost; learning about alternative sources of energy like dye-sensitized solar cells to showcase interactions of subatomic particles; How vaccines are created through chemical reactions; Or consider debating about electronic waste or closed system behavior (i.e. waste builds up and we have finite resources)). They use chemical equations to represent these interactions and begin to make relevant stoichiometric calculations.


Chemistry in the Earth System – Semester 2

Below are short summaries of each instructional segment from the NGSS framework. In purple you will find suggestions on how to lean into the performance expectations through climate, environmental, or earth system science. 

Click here to download the Chemistry NGSS Overview PDF


Instructional Segment #4 (IS4)

In IS4 (Chemical Reactions), they refine their models to include chemical energy so that they can explain how foods and fossil fuels can combust to unleash the energy we use in our bodies and machines. 

Students refine their models of chemical bonds and chemical reactions. They compare the strength of different types of bonds and attractions and develop models of how energy is stored and released in chemical reactions. Topics might include exploring the science of alternative sources of energy compared to fossil fuels; deforestation efforts through human-induced wildfires that contribute to excess emissions for palm oil; supercapacitors and electric vehicles; energy audits and sustainability to lean into energy justice and the need for just transitions for all communities; Population carrying capacity and resources needed to feed a projected 10 billion people by 2050; Chemical reactions that cause air pollution, worsening smog, asthma rates, etc. connecting human health and climate change; Fossil fuels used to create plastic and plastic/microplastics pollution found in every Earth System impacting human health (i.e. Atmosphere, Geosphere, Biosphere, and Hydrosphere).

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Instructional Segment #5 (IS5)

In IS5 (Chemistry of Climate Change), students explore the effects of combustion on the Earth system from the chemical perspective, treating Earth’s climate as a thermodynamic system and examining how molecules with certain structures can disrupt the flow of energy in this system. This is also a good point to revisit Earth’s Energy Budget (if not already) to expand on the increase of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere causing climate change.

Students revise their initial models of energy flow in Earth’s climate from IS1, and expand on their knowledge of climate change impacts on Earth’s systems (Atmosphere, Geosphere, Biosphere, and Hydrosphere). They revisit combustion reactions from IS1 to focus on emissions from fossil fuel energy sources. They apply models of the structures of molecules to explain how different molecules trap heat in the atmosphere. Students evaluate different chemical engineering solutions that can reduce the impacts of climate change. Project Drawdown to explore scientific and research-based solutions to curbing climate change; inequitable human impacts of the climate crisis and the need for culturally relevant community solutions through integrated STEAM approaches; etc.

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Instructional Segment #6 (IS6)

In IS6, the course concludes with students exploring more about climate change impacts that disrupt the chemical equilibrium between the air, water, and carbonate shells of ocean creatures due to ocean acidification (Dynamics of Chemical Reactions, Le Chatelier’s Principle, Chemical Equilibrium, Law of Conservation of Energy, Ocean Acidification, etc.). As humans combust more fossil fuels and emit more CO2 and Methane, the ocean becomes more acidic due to the absorption of more heat and greenhouse gases from its surroundings. Students can apply their knowledge to predict the impact of this change on Earth’s systems, including humans who depend on healthy ocean ecosystems for food and medicine, clean air to breathe, regulation of Earth’s climate, impact on marine life, coastal communities that rely on a healthy ocean ecosystem, or larger than ever weather events related to the warming ocean (i.e. Hurricanes/Tsunamis, atmospheric river events, water spouts, etc.).

Students investigate the effects of fossil fuel combustion on ocean chemistry. They develop models of equilibrium in chemical reactions and design solutions that can shift the equilibrium. Students can conduct original research or engineer solutions to address ocean acidification related to anthropogenic causes.


Explore our NGSS Certification Programs for Science & Equity

There are three certification levels offered in this program (Fundamentals, Intermediate, and Advanced Learners) where educators center on 21st century science teaching and learning and grounded in equity to fulfill the NGSS.

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