Physics of the Universe


Introduction to High School Physics of the Universe

The framework emphasizes the synergy between physical science and Earth and space sciences by focusing on electricity production.

The first part of this course builds the conceptual understandings in physics that students need to understand how various power plants work, including fossil fuel, nuclear, wind, hydroelectric, and solar photovoltaic. Students then discuss the impacts that each technology has on different Earth systems and use other Earth and space sciences phenomena to motivate further study of physical science.

Adapted from the Executive Summary of Science Framework: d’Alessio, Matthew A. (2018). Executive Summary: Science Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve. Sacramento: Consortium for the Implementation of the Common Core State Standards.

Physics of the Universe – Semester 1

Below are short summaries of each instructional segment from the NGSS framework. In purple you will find suggestions on how to lean into the performance expectations through climate, environmental, or earth system science. 

Click here to download the Physics NGSS Overview PDF

Instructional Segment #1 (IS1)

IS1 (Forces and Motion) begins with Newton’s laws and an emphasis on collisions caused by plate motions. Students make predictions using Newton’s laws. Students mathematically describe how changes in motion relate to forces. They investigate collisions in Earth’s crust and engage in engineering challenges. Think about introducing students to Newton’s Laws and free body diagrams through application of knowledge as they consider why raindrops have to be big enough to fall, or why we don’t get plankton the size of whales (this also relates to nanoscience applications of surface area to volume ratios or how mass [related to r3] grows faster than surface area [related to r2] as an object increases in size). For example, plankton can’t get too large because it will also be heavier and sink in the ocean which is problematic because they rely on the sun for photosynthesis or that in raindrops the weight increases faster than drag so it falls more quickly as it increases in size.

Engineering Connection: Students test the strength of different optimal materials to see how much force they can withstand before they break and try to select materials for different applications based on cost and other factors. As students learn about orbits of planetary bodies, they engage in an engineering connection to modify computer codes that calculate orbital paths to determine the initial launch speed and fuel cost for different size payloads.

Instructional Segment #2 (IS2)

Students further develop understanding of force in IS2 (Forces at a Distance) when they perform calculations involving gravity and electromagnetism. Students investigate gravitational and electromagnetic forces and describe them mathematically. They predict the motion of orbiting objects in the solar system. They link the macroscopic properties of materials to microscopic electromagnetic attractions. 

Consider introducing the GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) satellites and how they allow us to study Earth’s waters, the melting of ice sheets or the depletion of groundwater from space, which allows us to understand how water moves. Teachers can also focus on orbits and review seasons and introduce Milankovitch cycles which control the timing of ice ages (three cycles that cause subtle changes in Earth’s orbit and therefore the strength of the seasons in different hemispheres over thousands of years).

Instructional Segment #3 (IS3)

IS3 (Renewable Energy) is the core of the course where students apply DCIs about energy conversion to understand electric power generation. Students track energy transfer and its conversion through different stages of power generation. They evaluate different power plant technologies. They investigate electromagnetism to create models of how generators work and obtain and communicate information about how solar photovoltaic systems operate. They design and test their own energy-conversion devices. 

IS3 ties directly to climate and sustainability. Other ideas related to conversions are the use of reservoirs to store water (i.e. pumped uphill during the day with surplus solar energy then released during times when there is more demand). Students can calculate how much energy it takes to gain gravitational pull, or they could use the kinetic energy formula to calculate wind speed, size of turbine, and density (ocean currents are more consistent and have greater density but there’s a challenge of transmitting that energy). Students can also analyze maps of which parts of the city or community are reliably windy compared with where people live and need access to energy). Teachers can also lean into electricity transmission for the future and what’s needed to revamp our power grid systems – consider the recent California power outages during seasons of high fire risk as case studies to apply content knowledge towards.

Physics of the Universe – Semester 2

Below are short summaries of each instructional segment from the NGSS framework. In purple you will find suggestions on how to lean into the performance expectations through climate, environmental, or earth system science.

Click here to download the Physics NGSS Overview PDF


Instructional Segment #4 (IS4)

In IS4 (Nuclear Processes and Earth History), students develop a model of how the internal structure of the atom changes during nuclear processes, how these changes release energy, and how these processes are the timekeepers of geologic history. Students develop a model of the internal structure of atoms and then extend it to include the processes of fission, fusion, and radioactive decay. They apply this model to understanding nuclear power and radiometric dating. They use evidence from rock ages to reconstruct the history of the Earth and processes that shape its surface.

Instructional Segment #5 (IS5)

Earthquakes are a tangible phenomenon that introduce the study of waves in IS5 (Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation). Building on this example of mechanical waves, students analyze stellar spectra to understand electromagnetic waves. Students make mathematical models of waves and apply them to seismic waves traveling through the Earth. They obtain and communicate information about other interactions between waves and matter with a particular focus on electromagnetic waves. They obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about health hazards associated with electromagnetic waves. They use models of wave behavior to explain information transfer using waves and the wave-particle duality.

Teachers can introduce Earth’s Energy Budget in IS5 (i.e. What happens to incoming and outgoing energy rays from the sun and possible solar management geoengineering techniques like space mirrors). Consider teaching about remote sensing satellites that use different types of electromagnetic energy based on how they interact with matter. Teachers can also lean into noise and noise pollution as waves both on land and in the ocean, and how it impacts marine life such as whales (e.g. Animals and echo-location) that we heavily rely on for a healthy ocean ecosystem.

Consider teaching about the Doppler radar to learn about reflection by having students explore live doppler stations online. This can lead to discussions about why there are more doppler stations located on the west coast (due to mountains which make it difficult to get a line of sight across larger distances and how around Los Angeles it looks like there is rain but it is actually just reflection from tall buildings). The Doppler radar is also used to track bird migration patterns and large insect clouds which make for intriguing phenomena.

Instructional Segment #6 (IS6)

Patterns in these spectra provide evidence about how stars work and the history of the universe in IS6 (Stars and the Origins of the Universe). Students apply their model of nuclear fusion to trace the flow of energy from the Sun’s core to Earth. They use evidence from the spectra of stars and galaxies to determine the composition of stars and construct an explanation of the origin of the universe.

Consider applying content knowledge to the technological advances of the new generation of telescopes, which attempts to look at the light from a star filtering through the atmosphere of exoplanets in search of oxygen (and potentially life on other planets). Lean into the ethics of this science topic with current events such as the fight by indigenous Hawaiians to protect sacred land (Mauna Kea) from being developed to build an advanced telescope. This can also lead to discussions around the Drake equation or conditions that allow Earth to be habitable (including the presence of elements suitable for life which implies we are a 3rd or 4th generation solar system, presence of liquid water which requires volcanism and then also the right distance from our Sun over long periods of time as it brightens so it doesn’t get too hot or cold (Goldilock’s zone), a consistent orbit plus spin on our axis, a source of energy which in our case is from the Sun, or no catastrophic meteor impacts and the presence of a magnetic field to protect us from the solar wind and flares).


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Integrated High School Storylines

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