NGSS Certification: Tier 1

This UCISP program will provide you with the tools to transform your science classroom as you delve into the intricacies of 3D instruction, aligning your lessons with NGSS standards. By centering student thinking and experiences around anchoring phenomena, you’ll foster a deeper understanding of science concepts through structured opportunities of reflection and practical application, to create engaging and effective science learning experiences. Participants can register to earn 2 quarter units of professional development credit through UCI DCE

NGSS Certification: Tier 2

This online program will help you foster a welcoming and affirming learning environment, deepen your understanding of 3D learning, implement equitable science instruction strategies, and reflect on your own practice through peer feedback. The four 2-hour online sessions, and asynchronous activities will provide opportunities to examine current research, engage in science learning experiences and assessments. Participation in the Tier 1 NGSS Modules is recommended, but not required for Tier 2 modules.

Dates: March 25th, 27th & April 10th, 2025
Time: 4:30 pm-6:30 pm
Location: Online
Cost: $150.00

Integrating Computational Thinking into Instruction

Discover how to integrate computational thinking into your instruction to elevate student approaches to  problem solving. This workshop will provide practical strategies and a sample storyline to support students when deconstructing complex problems and analyze the world around them.


Date: March 15th, 2025
Time: 8:30 am-12:30 pm
Location: Online
Cost: $50.00

Introducing California AB 285 into Instruction

In this free one-hour workshop learn about new California Assembly Bill 285 and how it requires the K-12 science area of study to include an emphasis on the causes and effects of climate change and methods to mitigate and adapt to climate change. We will explore how this bill aligns with current standards and possible strategies to begin climate change instruction in all grade levels. Open to all grade level Instructors, TOSAS, and Administrators. 

Student Agency Through Science Practices

The Science and Engineering Practices provide students with opportunities for voice, choice and data-informed sensemaking. In this two-hour workshop participants will experience how the SEPs provide deeper understanding over time and can guide daily instruction to increase student engagement and application of science concepts. 



Centering Students in Science Classrooms

This workshop focuses on creating inclusive and engaging science classrooms for all students. We’ll explore research-based strategies that center student experiences, valuing their backgrounds, languages, and cultures. Participants will engage in interactive activities and learn how to incorporate these diverse perspectives into their science teaching. By leveraging and promoting student-centered learning, we can foster a more inclusive and engaging science learning environment for all.

Date: April 24th 2025
Time: 4:30 pm-6:30 pm
Location: Online
Cost: $50.00